get to know me

About me

get to know me

About me

“Recognizing the potential and beauty in others has always come naturally to me..

Yet, it took me a long time to see the self-imposed cage I had built with bars of shame, perfectionism, and relentless self-optimization. When I finally realized that I had excluded myself from this love, I faced some very dark days. I learned that life, in harmony with the cosmic rhythms of nature, invites me to embrace my humanity and all that moves with and through me—my shadows, my light, and all my paradoxes. A new world began to unfold within me, in my heart, and thus manifested outwardly. I came to understand that I am whole—not despite my humanity, but because of it.”

About me

About Daniela

I am profoundly grateful to my parents, who, through their wisdom and ancient lunar knowledge, guided me early on to live in harmony with the moon’s rhythms and nature. My work continues to be nourished by a rich tapestry of transformative coaching approaches, in depth astrological insights, acting, dance, and holistic spirituality. Throughout my personal and professional journey, where I connect deeply with myself and others, I have come to a crucial realization: We all act as mirrors for each other, reflecting and reminding one another of our inherent light. We are interconnected, moving with the rhythms of nature and being activated by them. At the same time, each of us is a unique cosmic expression, striving to live, love, and be loved.

As the daughter of the bestselling author duo Johanna Paungger-Poppe and Thomas Poppe, Daniela was immersed from birth in the rhythms of the moon and the natural world. She accompanied her mother to seminars and lectures from a young age, and began working alongside her at the age of 18.

During her youth in New York, Daniela discovered a deep passion for singing, dance, and acting, pursuits that continues to follow to inspire and enrich her life and work. She also completed a 500-hour advanced yoga teacher training in New York.

In Munich, she furthered her education as a children’s yoga teacher, coach for teenagers, and underwent extensive training in astrology, coaching, natural and women’s medicine, ultimately qualifying as a certified naturopathic practitioner.

Daniela harbors a profound appreciation for the uniqueness and beauty within every individual, viewing conscious relationships with oneself, others, and nature as powerful catalysts for growth and healing.

For over a decade, she continues to hone her intuitive abilities, deepen her knowledge, and practice how to navigate the path to inner truth and express it outwardly.
Currently residing in Munich, Daniela dedicates herself with passion, sensitivity, and wisdom to supporting women, teenagers, and children both online and offline in discovering their potential and embodying their unique truth.